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Being collaborates with the Coffee Mod
A limited edition Being Coffee is soon to be coming out. Devlin has collaborated with the Coffee Mod on this. You will be able to...

update on storyboard booklet
Sending warmth to you all in these strange and uncertain times. Just wanted you to know, the limited edition storyboard booklet numbered...

GO FOR IT GIRL sting coming
Soon a GO FOR IT GIRL sting trailer will be shared. Keep following, liking and sharing social media pages, to let others know of this...

only a handful of Being Blu-rays remain. once they go no more will be manufactured. please follow link if you want to purchase:...

Terry aka the Moose met Devlin Crow
Terry aka Moose; after writing to Devlin Crow the director/writer of Being, got the chance yesterday to get his films bits signed. photo...

simon wells - farewell friend
to my friend and creative collaborator, i want to write, to thank you for the beautiful and definitive book on 'the making of...

Like a fine wine, BEING gets better with age. And now there is a feature in pre-production GO FOR IT GIRL. All will be revealed about...

COLIN JONES 1936 - 2021
To Colin, creative colleague and dear friend you will be missed, Simply 'A Master of Photography' Rest In Peace Devlin Crow X ...

Happy Birthday Josh Farley
Josh Farley (aka Buddy in Being) congratulations on your 18th Birthday, yesterday. Where has the time gone...... Hope you had a special...

Being in this months Scootering
In this months Scootering magazine, Simon Wells has written an article about the history of modernist films.

2nd batch of Being Blu-rays
Hi Being Buddies, I just want to let you know that all the purchasers of the limited edition Being Blu-ray will be getting their order...

Richard Ashcroft and Being endorsement.
Richard Ashcroft in photo wearing his Being Buddies enamel badge. Thanks Richard for sending, Devlin and Kennedy are really delighted to...

2 Golden Tickets
Inside the 2nd batch of the limited edition 90 Being Blu-rays, will be two Golden Tickets. The lucky purchaser will get their portrait...

New Being Blu-ray Limited to only 90
The 2nd batch, only 90 Blu-rays are getting produced. Each contains an especially designed new Being Blu-ray sleeve design. Inside...

New Being Blu-ray packaging
Here is a peek of the artwork for the 2nd batch of Being Blu-rays. More news to come on extra contents for Blu-ray soon. design(c)may2021...
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